Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

A Good Visual On Bloom's Taxonomy Vs Depth of Knowledge

December 5, 2014
Bloom's taxonomy and Depth of Knowledge are two popular conceptual learning frameworks. They both approach the learning process from relatively different stands:Bloom's taxonomy seem to emphasize the categorization of tasks in a way that corresponds with students thinking levels ( e,g knowing, understanding, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating). Depth of Knowledge (DOK), on the hand,  shifts the focus from the product or end result to focusing on the cognitive and thinking process. It extends beyond the what and digs deeper into the how.

Here is a beautiful visual I came across today on my Pinterest feeds which illustrates the difference between Blooms' taxonomy and Depth of Knowledge. I am not really sure who has created this awesome work but it is available through this Pinterest board.

Bloom's Taxonomy Vs Depth of Knowledge