Senin, 05 Januari 2015

A Very Good Visual on Inspirational Leaders

January 6, 2015
Leadership comes with hard work but successful leadership entails more than just laboriousness, it calls for special traits that only a select few possess. Whether these traits are skills that can be developed or are a matter of biological endowment is something which still needs scientific back-up. Generally speaking, successful leaders do have something in common. They share a set of common characteristics such as : confidence, focus, trust, far-sightedness, accountability, enthusiasm, persistence, communication, determination, love of their work, and patience.

Also, successful leaders are a joy to be around. They listen empathically and are a source of inspiration and zeal to the people around them. Now that you are reading these lines, you might probably  be calling to your memory somebody who has inspired you directly or indirectly; well, these are the  people we call real leaders. A great read in this direction which I highly recommend for anyone interested in this topic is Eric Sheninger 's recent book entitled " Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times".

I am also sharing with you this interesting visual I learned from a tweet by Eric Sheninger. The visual, which is created by Business Management Degrees and shared on Enterpreneur, features the different types of leaders and some of the distinctive qualities that set inspirational leaders from the rest. I invite you to have a look and share with us what you think of it. Enjoy