February 19, 2015
Today we spent sometime in Chrome web store sifting through the different educational extensions they have there and we ended up with the list below. These are some very good tools for Science teachers to use with their students to teach them about different scientific phenomena.We used user-reviews and download number as selective criteria for out list. Have a look and share with us what you think of it. Enjoy
1- 3D Solar System
This is a 3D solar system simulation application, which gives you the approximate location of the planets in the solar system at different time, and some information about each one of them.
2- Anatomy 3d
Anatomy 3D provides you with a bunch of interactive tools to use to dissect, explore and learn about the human body in 3D. The tool is also available for Android and iOS users.
3- Anatomy Games
This extension offers users a variety of anatomy games and atlases to help them learn about human anatomy
4- Planetarium
Planetarium is a beautiful interactive sky map that students can use to explore the stars and learn about planets. The tool shows over 1500 stars with a magnitude of up to “+5”.
5- Useful Periodic Table
This is a periodic table of the elements that has all the elements and most of their respective properties collected and stored in one easy to use and simple to find location. Contained within this periodic table is a unit converter that will convert some of the scientific dimensions. Also, containing links to wikipedia for further literature on that element that you wish to know. Great for students because of the elements quiz contained within.
6- BioDigital Human
The BioDigital Human is a 3D platform that simplifies the understanding of anatomy, disease and treatments. Explore the body in 3D!
7- Anatomy Skills : Bones
Learn all of the major bones in the human body using three different modes: Learn, Game and Quiz. The app covers all of the major bones in the body from the phalanges to the femurs. Carefully selected graphics make the features easy to identify.
Kamis, 19 Februari 2015
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