Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Two Excellent Web Tools to Easily Record and Share Audio Clips

February 17, 2015
In today’s post I am sharing with you two of the best simple web tools that you can use to record audio clips. These web-based applications do not require any software installation and you are not even required to have an account to use them. They work right from your browser and they allow you to easily record or upload your audio and generate a link to share it with others.

This is by far my favourite. Vocaroo enables you to record or upload audio clips . To record your voice, simple click on the record button and start talking. Once done, you can save and share your recording using different options: via email, QR code, direct link, or use embed link to insert it in your blog or website. Vocaroo also allows you to download your audio clips in the form of MP3, Ogg, FLAC or WAV.

2- Clyp

Clyp is another excellent tool to record audio. You can also use it to upload and share your recorded clips. However, the difference between Clyp and Vocaroo is in sharing options. Clyp requires you to open an account with them to save your audio recordings and make them downloadable. Clyp is also available as a mobile app for both iPad and Android