Rabu, 08 April 2015

Everything Teachers Need to Know about Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

April 8, 2015
Bloom's Taxonomy is one of the major themes here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. We have been extensively sharing resources on it and we have a separate section where you can access and check all the resources we have posted so far.

A refresher for you, Blooms traditional taxonomy which was published sometime in the middle of the last century was revised in 2001 and henceforth was labelled Blooms Revised Taxonomy. This revision is a little bit different from the original one in that it replaces nouns with verbs and places emphasis on the process of creating by putting it on the top of the thinking continuum.

Since the emergence of the Revised Taxonomy, several educators have been adding to it expanding thus its scope and making it even more comprehensible by integrating technology component into it. Andrew Churches is one of the first guys who was behind the marriage of revised taxonomy and technology; a marriage which resulted in "digital Blooms Taxonomy".

Bloom's digital taxonomy concept map by Andrew Churches
As Andrew Churches stated, Bloom's digital taxonomy is not about web tools or technology, it is rather about effective use of technology to facilitate learning. For instance, Andrew added,  "bookmarking a resource is of no value if the resource is inappropriate, invalid, out of date or inaccurate."

Andrew has this wonderful PDF document that features a wide variety of resources and illustrations to help you better grasp and apply the ethos of Bloom's digital taxonomy in your instruction. The PDF is available for free download from this page. For more resources on Bloom's taxonomy, visit Andrew's wiki: edorigami. Enjoy

Here is a snapshot of the table of contents of this PDF: